Saturday, August 13, 2011

can't sleep

can't sleep.  want to, but can't.  i can hear the "ghetto bird" flying around outside.  it's midnight.  kevin is snoring.  dogs are snoring...bandit is, smokey is smacking his mouth like the old geezer he is.  don't wanna take my sleepytime pills now b/c won't wake up in time for breakfast w/MOL.  what to do, what to do...just read an article about Bert & Ernie's sexual orientation.  they are not gay.  they are best friends.  sure they share the same room, but sleep in seperate beds.  just like Pauly D & Vinnie.  everybody, leave them alone.  and they are puppets for crying out loud.  they don't even have the equipment to be gay.  just puppets from Sesame Street.  with crazy hairdos.  those crazy newyorkers!!  my fave was Mr. Snuffalofagus.  or however you spell his name.  i like him b/c of those eyelashes.  man those are beautiful.  ok folks....i must try and get some sleep. 

G'nite all.
shuddup neighbors & go to bed.